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Campus Resources

Grad Research Slam
Launched in 2013, Grad Slam is an award-winning campus-wide competition for the best three-minute talk by a graduate student. Students present the central points of their project in a clear, direct, and interesting manner for a diverse audience comprised of students, faculty, and community members. 

Undergraduate Research Symposium
The undergraduate research symposium seeks to help students prepare to present their work in academic settings. Students apply to participate and select whether they will deliver oral presentations, poster presentations, presentations on work in progress or completed research, as well as presentations on creative activities.

Science to Policy Program
Science to Policy seeks to train graduate students in the sciences to communicate their expertise to policy makers. A key mission is to prioritize communication of complex, technical information beyond the walls of students’ individual disciplines to maximize the reach and impact of the work.

Academic Preparation, Recruitment, and Outreach (APRO)
APRO is dedicated to serving California students in reaching their goal of educational achievement. Communicating across disciplines and programs is central to their mission.


Other Resources

American Rhetoric
Database of and index to 5000+ full text, audio and video versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events, and a declaration or two.

Greatest Speeches of the Twentieth Century
Selected audio from memorable speeches.

Silva Rhetoricae
This site is intended to help beginners, as well as experts, make sense of rhetoric, both on the small scale (definitions and examples of specific terms) and on the large scale (the purposes of rhetoric, the patterns into which it has fallen historically as it has been taught and practiced for 2000+ years).